Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Process

Here is a little background on the process I have had to go through with this book I am trying to get published. 

So once upon a time, I used to work out in the field as an electrician. I was on a job for what seemed like weeks, pulling phone wire from one location to another. I walked back and forth four million times from point A to point B. (That may be an exaggeration...but only slightly) AND on top of that monotony,  my least favorite genre of music was blaring on the radio. It was awful. I asked myself over and over, what did I do wrong in my life? 

I am being dramatic, but in  that situation, I had a lot of time to think. Ideas kept popping in my head about a young man that was in prison and this was his sentence...manual, monotonous labor. As the idea's starting coming together (How did this young man get here? How can he get out if there is a way? Is he a bad person?) a story-line formed in my head. I began writing it down and I started telling my wife about what I was doing. She, being the wonderful wife that she is, pushed me to keep writing and to try and get the story published. This all started seven or eight........YEARS ago. Yes, YEARS! 

I love this story and I refuse to give up!

More about the eight-year process is coming 

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